BOSS 2024 – Liège/Belgium

Elisabeth Quraishi, Emmanuele Ferrari Pissinati and Karine de Souza Quaglio had the opportunity to present their current work on this years Belgium Organic Synthesis Symposium (BOSS) 2024. The event was hosted in Liège/Belgium from 30.06.–05.07.2024. We especially enjoyed listening to the talks from Sarah Reisman, Abigail Doyle Varinder Kumar Aggarwal and Melanie Sandford about the newest developments in oragnic chemistry. Another highlight of the week was the excursion afternoon, where we went on a city tour and enjoyed Belgium waffles and Liege meatballs. We are grateful for the financial support from FAPESP 2023/12718-5 (Emmanuele), CAPES Print (Karina) and "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie" (Eli).

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