M. Sc. Robert Forster


Department of Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Duesbergweg 10-14, 55128 Mainz
Room 2.223/02-132
Phone (06131) 39-22288
E-mail forster[at]uni-mainz.de
Research interests: carbohydrate chemistry

Introducing targeting units or pH-Releasable immunodrugs into Core-Clickable nanogels

A. G. Heck, D. Schwiertz, Be. Lantzberg, H.-C. Nguyen, R. Forster, M. Scherger, T. Opatz, J. A. Van Ginderachter, L. Nuhn, Eur. Polym. J., 2024, accepted.

Multivalency beats Complexity: A Study on the Cell Uptake of Carbohydrate Functionalized Nanocarriers to Dendritic Cells
M. Krumb, M. L. Frey, J. Langhanki, R. Forster, D. Kowalczyk, V. Mailänder, K. Landfester, T. Opatz, Cells, 2020, 2087.
This article is a contribution within the CRC1066 and appears in the special issue: Nanoparticles in Cancer Immunotherapy

Visible Light-Induced Cleavage of C–S bonds in Thioacetals and Thioketals with Iodine as a Photocatalyst
M. Krumb, L. M. Kammer, R. Forster, C. Grundke, T. Opatz, ChemPhotoChem. 20204, 101 – 104.
This article was selected as Very Important Paper and also appears in: Hot Topic: Photocatalysis and Special collection: Photochemical Synthesis. (Cover Picture)