
Marco Nebe was honoured with the poster award for his work on Visible Light Organophotoredox-catalyzed Synthesis of Horner Precursors at the Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Chemistry Conference (FloHet) in Gainsville. Congratulations! ...

A recently published paper on the degradation of polyethylene by caterpillars of the wax moth Galleria melonella has gained much attention. However, researchers from our group must disagree with some of the methodologies and conclusions from this article.

Polyethylene bio-degradation by caterpillars? – Große Zweifel an plastikfressender Raupe

Mainzer Chemiker stellen Studie über plastikfressende Raupe in Frage ...

The recently published article "Photo-Chromium: Sensitizer for Visible-Light-Induced Oxidative C–H Bond Functionalization—Electron or Energy Transfer" was selected for the cover picture of issue 8 of ChemPhotoChem. ...

Der diesjährige Wandertag der Arbeitsgruppe fiel sprichwörtlich ins bzw. aufs Wasser, und zwar im doppelten Sinne. Einerseits wurde als gemeinsame Aktivität eine Kanutour auf der Lahn gewählt, andererseits zeigte sich das Wetter, nach der langanhaltenden Hitzeperiode, ausgerechnet an diesem Tag besonders ungnädig. Doch ganz nach dem Motto "es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, sondern nur schlechte Kleidung" ließ sich die Arbeitsgruppe nicht von den stetigen Regenfällen abschrecken und trotzte professionell ausgestattet mit Regenjacken, Gummistiefeln und Taucheranzügen erfolgreich den wilden Gewässern der Lahn. ...

The Journal of Organic Chemistry recognized Prof. Dr. Till Opatz as one of the Selected Highly Prolific Authors (most published articles in the past 5 years).

We congratulate Prof. Opatz and his group and thank all team members for their contribution! ...

Since todays chemical infrastructure mostly relies on petroleum based raw materials, sustainable chemistry and utilization of biomass for chemical basic materials is a rising field in present-day chemical research. Contributing to the challenge of “greener” chemistry and to enhance the scope of products gained from wood as a renewable resource (Xylochemistry), we sought out to the development of novel syntheses of polyamides and indigo dyes as organic functional materials, emplyoing methods of “green chemistry”. Some examples of this work were now published in our recent article "Examples of Xylochemistry: Colorants and Polymers" in Green Chemistry. ...