Dr. Johannes Rocker

Department Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Duesbergweg 10-14, 55128 Mainz
Room 2.222/02-114
Phone (06131) 39-22111
E-mail j.rocker[at]uni-mainz.de
Research interests: Binding behaviour of albumin, half-life extension by albumin binding, Photoredoxcatalysis, Synthesis and Helicenes and application as photoredoxcatalysts

Mechanistic Investigations of Polyaza[7]helicene in Photoredox and Energy Transfer Catalysis

J. Rocker, T. J. B. Zähringer, M. Schmitz, T. Opatz, C. Kerzig, Beilstein J. Org. Chem., 2024, accepted.

Substitution Effects on the Photophysical and Photoredox Properties of Tetraaza[7]helicenes

J. Rocker, J. A. Dresel, L. A. Krieger, P. Eckhardt, A. M. Ortuño, W. R. Kitzmann, G. H. Clever, K. Heinze, T. Opatz, Chem. Eur. J., 2023, 29, e2023012.

Alternatives to Iridium: A Polyaza[7]helicene as a Strongly Reductive Visible Light Photoredox Catalyst

J. Rocker, T. Opatz, ACS Org. Inorg. Au, 2022, 2, 415–421.

Xylochemicals and Where to Find Them

J. Groß, C. Grundke, J. Rocker, A. J. Arduengo III, T.Opatz, Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 9979-9994.