
Stille Trauer

Wir trauern um unsere langjährige Sekretärin Ramona Mitschke.

Frau Mitschke ist nach langer Krankheit ihrem Leiden erlegen. Wir werden sie stets in liebevoller Erinnerung behalten.

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Matthias Krumb honoured with Poster Award

Matthias Krumbs was honoured with the poster price of the 27th International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry Congress in Kyoto for his work on the Total Synthesis of a Pentasaccharide Fragment from Arabinogalactan and its Application for Allergy Prevention. Congratulations!

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Lisa Marie Kammer honoured with Poster Award

We congratulate Lisa Marie Kammer who was honoured with the MDPI poster award for her work on Visible Light-Induced Sulfonylation/Arylation of Styrenes in a Double Radical Three-Component Photoredox Reaction at the XVIII International Conference on Heterocycles in Bioorganic Chemistry (Bioheterocycles) in Ghent, Belgium.

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